Why Breakthrough
Strategy Works

Rob Sheehan reminds us to lead change and be aspirational with our vision. Far too often in these difficult times, we retreat to the safety of what we’ve always done. In fact, now is the time for the exact opposite! Mission Impact shows you how to charge forward confidently. I recommend it to anyone running an organization that wants to meet the challenging needs facing us all.

— Bill Kitson, President and CEO,
United Way of Greater Toledo

Breakthrough Strategy is a practical perspective to strategy development that applies cutting-edge concepts—such as strategic intent and systems thinking—that are used primarily in the corporate world.

Developed over time by our Principal Partner Robert M. Sheehan, Jr., PhD, during his 30 years of leading, advising and studying nonprofit organizations and their ability to achieve their missions, our approach works with three key methods:

If your organization is committed to a breakthrough — to a dramatic improvement—in the impact you make for those you serve, then the Breakthrough Strategy approach is designed for you.